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You Rock My World

Nowadays there seems to be a common theme running through my massage treatments; and they revolve around rocks. First came the ‘hot rocks’, and then now the Rocktape.

It sounds crazy, and it was totally unintentional that rocks in any way, shape or form, should feature in a Remedial Massage practice, but never before have I been able to reduce symptoms of stress and/or trauma so quickly until using both hot rocks and Rocktape. It seems the combination of the two, where appropriate is proving highly affective meaning stephanie blake massage officially ‘rocks’!

Hot Rocks:

‘Hot rocks’ of course is a take on ‘hot stones’ which I introduced about eighteen months ago, in order to continue separating myself from any treatment you may find in a ‘spa’ environment. I’ve also referred to my stones as ‘remedial rocks’ (as we all know by now, I’m a sucker for a bit of alliteration!). But while a stereotypical hot stones massage is extremely relaxing etc etc, I use my rocks for remedial purposes only.

The rocks (as they will now always be called) allow me, the practitioner, to get additional heat into the body (therefore increasing blood flow, relaxing muscles and fascia etc) before increasing pressure (enter pointy pointy Steph elbows!) to focus specifically on the soft tissue that requires deep tissue work.

Those of you who know me, or treated by me, also know that I have usually recommended a lovely hot bath or shower after a massage treatment in order to ‘continue stimulating blood flow and almost extending the massage treatment itself’. With that same principle of ‘treatment extension’ in mind I have now found Rocktape to be highly effective.


Don’t worry, not a tape of rocks but a type of kinesiotaping called Rocktape. I think the name works as it’s quite ‘grrrr’! Although some clients have made jokes that they feel taped up like a parcel (first class all the way with my clients!), others have felt like more hardcore gym goers. (Reminds me of a Friends quote, when Ross says ‘I guess the more muscles one has, the more likely they are to go into spasm’!!)

Needless to say, it’s not just the name of the tape that promotes the ‘athlete’ feeling. They come in all kinds of patterns and colours: from commando and union jack to jet black and bright pink! You see....something for everyone!

I get carried away here. Obviously it’s not all about how it looks!

The idea is the tape lifts the skin, giving fascia (connective tissue) increased space to expand, rehydrate, and regain its spring (yes, technical term!). With all this going on tape can really help with several issues:

  • Posture
  • Symptoms such as pain and/or swelling
  • Joint support

(I’ve no doubt there’s other stuff to add here but I’ve seen for myself the immediate difference in clients after being taped with the above problems).

I do think it’s important to address the dreaded question of placebo effect. It’s true, taping hasn’t been around long so there’s limited research published on whether it actually works at all. That said I have to make the point of who cares?!

My aim is to help clients become pain free and have better movement. Whether this means treating a sporting injury or symptoms of stress, the end goal is the same. If taping allows us to reach this end point quicker and/or more effectively then, quite frankly I am all over it! That said, I will never feel taping is a replacement for quality Remedial Massage treatment. For me, the two go hand in hand.

So if you need to ‘rock out’ with me (see what I did there?!) you know where to find me...and no it’s not under a rock! (Are you shaking your head slowly whilst reading my rock puns yet?) I’m sure I can come up with more....

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