The New Year Starts when? September of course!

I find it interesting that it doesn’t seem to matter whether we have children or not, or whether we left school five years ago or twenty-five years ago we still seem to adopt ‘term times’ into our lives throughout the year.
September is the obvious month to start with, as it feels like a surrogate January. It’s a natural place for routine to begin once again after the summer months have left us, roads are busier, days are shorter and stress levels slowly start to rise. It’s an obvious month to introduce new commercial offers; a different exercise regime or, in my case, move to new business premises.
Yes, I’ve finally done it. Moved out of my home and asked my very patient client base to move with me, yet again to a new clinic.
As September strikes and the kids go back to school, it always seems that we’re in a better mind set to absorb new information and, more importantly stop putting things off and crack on. To this end it worked out perfectly that my new office, in Teddington, was available for me to move into a week after my own holiday, although to say that it hasn’t been a frantic effort over the last ten days would be a fib.
Having to brave IKEA on a Saturday afternoon, in order to get all that I needed to get started from the following Monday, was scary to say the least. Busier than the M25 during rush hour my patience ran out after thirty minutes (which, by my standards was a pretty good effort anyway!) Luckily, my housemate very kindly offered to come with me (I think she was more concerned that I may grab a fork from one of many bargain cutlery sets and stab someone) so when the death stare started to appear on my face as I got shoved from teapots to chopping boards without even a mutter of the word ‘sorry’ she was able to diffuse the situation and guide my hand (containing said fork) gently back down to the display table.
Three hours (and what felt like two years) later I emerged with new office furniture and itching to get back to Teddington to start the construction. Now, I should really highlight here that I had been very excited to even go to IKEA as it happens so rarely and that enthusiasm lasted all of ten minutes after entering the store. There is a pattern here so you know what’s coming…
An hour after construction began the familiar words ‘I’m bored of this game now’ flew out of my mouth before my cup of tea was cool. Tiredness had set in and I had reverted back to being twelve years old! Bottom lip stuck out I had to continue (but with lots of big sighs for effect!) and I’m thinking no wonder school term times still hold so much emphasis. I’m still a child just playing at adulthood!
So, is it simply that school is so ingrained in us, as we enter the system at such an early age, that it continues throughout adulthood? I never go on holiday after the schools break up (although thinking about it I rarely go on holiday full stop) but those two months of longer and warmer days seem to create a holiday atmosphere anyway. I certainly notice a difference in my clients. And even those friends and clients I know without children will allow a ‘summer life’ to permeate the months of July and August and then ‘start again’ when September rocks up.
With the start of the ‘new year’ then, I have moved into a new work space (furnished with IKEA goodness) and loving it. With routines firmly back in place I of course expect you all to book in and pay me a visit! Website has been updated so all details of where I am can be found there, and in a few weeks (if not before!) it’ll be the Christmas prep (oh joy).
Thanks everyone for being so supportive this last year, I promise not to move again any time soon!
Reader Comments (2)
I read your blog about moving and knew exactly what you were going through. Having moved house last August (2010) I too spent alot of time in Ikea and Dunelm Mill... a year on and I still have windows without curtains and a utility room without a sink! My treatment room is not quite finished but its working well and I am loving the family being around and not having to "go out to work". Good luck with settling in.
I read your blog fully. You had really done a nice work, sir.