Massage: part of your daily grind...

A lot of my marketing targets those of you who regularly exercise, whether you’re a gym user, marathon runner or circuits enthusiast, but here I really want to emphasise how massage can help those of you who work long hours sitting behind a desk and have at least an hours’ commute to and from work each day.
Deep Tissue Massage is usually associated with helping muscles recovery from DOMS* usually stemming from some rigorous workout the day before, however, it is then assumed that sitting for lengthy periods throughout each day equals rest-WRONG! We forget that our back, neck and stomach muscles are working constantly to keep ourselves upright (not to mention glutes and legs here, aside from the fact that we are probably also typing, using a mouse or, at the very least, lifting a mug of coffee from desk to mouth periodically!). Strenuous hardly springs to mind but we are still making demands on our bodies to accommodate the daily routine we have chosen for it.
These demands sooner or later, if we don’t look after ourselves, quickly result in everyday aches and pains. It’s unsurprising that we have such easy access to painkillers, such as ibuprofen, as we assume this discomfort or ‘dis-ease’ is simply just part and parcel of everyday life (or my favourite excuse ‘getting older’!). Quite frankly I think it’s total rubbish...and trust me I wanted to use much stronger language here but wouldn’t want to offend anyone so I shall keep the content PG!
All of us have come across, if not know directly, people that are well into their senior years (really don’t want to offend here but I appreciate sometimes age is a sensitive subject!) and they’re still pottering about and going to dance classes or playing golf or even running races and most of us assume it’s purely down to ‘good genes’. Now I don’t deny genes do play an important part in respect to how well we age, where we put on weight etc but really we need to address our own lifestyles and take responsibility for our bodies. If we want to feel (and look) great, and want to be that person in their 90s who looks like they’re still in their 60s, we have to want to do it for ourselves and we all can.
I digress...I apologise, it’s this damn soap box under my feet...
As most of you are aware massage is excellent to help speed the recovery of damaged muscle fibres. What do you think causes your aches and pains after days upon months upon years of commuting and desk work? Not mention the toxins released into the body when we get stressed! Tension headaches anyone?! Massage is, in no uncertain terms, just as beneficial to the desk dweller as it is to the bootcamp blitzer (?!) (I struggled to find a better adjective here that fulfilled the alliteration required to make the sentence work!)
So, I’d like you to reconsider the cocktail of painkillers that you may have stashed in the bathroom cabinet and instead, consider a far more therapeutic hands-on approach to your wellbeing. I often say my ideal client is ‘anyone who has a body!’ And it’s true. What you do with it on a daily basis is entirely up to you but half the time we don’t really register we have a body until something somewhere goes a bit wrong (enter pain etc). Why even allow your body to get to that stage? Prevent the trauma from even occurring...what a novel thought! What are the words I’m looking for? Oh yes, my own tagline J
Ease the discomfort, Speed the recovery, Restore the balance...’ve been told!
*Delayed onset of muscle soreness
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